Another Brick in the Wall
The 2005 film Another Brick in the Wall was made, as part of the campaign to try and prevent Newland Avenue Primary School from being closed, by Anna Bean, Bluebeany and […]
The 2005 film Another Brick in the Wall was made, as part of the campaign to try and prevent Newland Avenue Primary School from being closed, by Anna Bean, Bluebeany and […]
Newsletter1 Just Published! The first newsletter of the Newland Avenue Community Action group.
The latest copy of the draft business plan includes pictures and the results of the survey so far. If you would like to contribute there is a google docs version […]
Background Files which I have used to help understand the situation concerning the sale of the former Newland Avenue Primary School together with a summary of the current position as […]
Nightflowers The New Adelphi Club